Top 4 most common payroll mistakes
Despite absolute rigor, entry errors on a payslip can happen inadvertently.
As an employer, the pressure is high in this area and a small mistake can weaken the employer-employee relationship.
To help you avoid them, here are our top 4 most common mistakes:
Error 1: incorrect entry of information on the employee file
Part of the important information on a payslip comes from the data entered on the employee file and in particular concerning the collective agreement and the classification of your employee’s job.
Since the evolution of the collective agreement of the agricultural world 2 years ago now, it is important that these two pieces of information are well completed because they appear on the payslip and that the remuneration derives from it.
Your employee’s seniority date is also an essential element because it allows employees to obtain certain salary elements: bonuses, allowances, maintenance of salary in the event of work stoppage, etc.
In the case of an error on the date of seniority and a dismissal, this may lead to a fault in the calculation of the amount of his indemnity. The employee can then claim damages in a procedure before the industrial tribunal.
With Zenipaie, when you create an employee’s profile, detailed user notes are available to assist you and all mandatory data is indicated to help you reduce the risk of errors and omissions.
Mistake 2: incorrectly counting the hours of your employees
A large part of payroll management consists of entering and/or controlling the hours of your employees each month: overtime, sick leave, paid leave, etc. Any omission in the statement directly impacts the remuneration of your employee.
Thanks to Zenipaie, the hours of your standard employees are automatically configured and a checklist during payroll preparation is available to review all the tasks to be carried out during payroll. Enough to avoid a few shells!
Error 3: not respecting the deadlines for transmitting your DSN (nominative social declarations)
Managing the calculation of certain contributions and social contributions is complex because the scales change very often… It is therefore important to regularly check your configuration sheets in order to integrate them into your payroll software.
Also remember to respect the deadlines imposed by the MSA by sending your DSNs on time. As a reminder, your monthly DSNs must be sent on the 5th or 15th of the following month to the MSA. As for your event DSNs (notification of end of contract or work stoppage, etc.), they must be sent to the MSA as soon as possible.
By using Zenipaie, the automatic integration of your configuration files and the sending of your DNS directly to your MSA space are done in one click!
Mistake 4: Choosing the wrong type of contract
With the different types of contract, but also depending on the reasons for which you are recruiting (replacement contract, seasonal, etc.), it is essential to choose the type of contract you wish to recruit carefully in order to consider all the possibilities and limit the costs.
With Zenipaie, you are accompanied at each stage of the creation of the contract in order to select the right elements and you can even generate contract templates from our solution.
There you go, you know the most common payroll mistakes and we know you’ll be on your toes now!
And if you want to gain even more peace of mind, Zenipaie supports you in all your payroll processes: preparation of pay slips, data entry, social security contributions, sending your mandatory declarations, etc.